Welcome to BBBike's free download server! This server has data extracts from the OpenStreetMap project for more than 200 areas world wide in different formats and customized extracts.

  1. Download a ready extract of more than 200 areas world wide, 2-50MB in size for each city. Supported formats are: OSM, PBF, GeoJSON, SQLite, Garmin, mapsforge, and Esri Shapefile.

    There are also country / region extracts available for Garmin and mapsforge.

  2. Didn't find the area you want? Select your own region - a rectangle or polygon up to 6000 x 4000km large, or 512MB file size.

  3. For experts only: download the full planet, in PBF (> 75GB) format

All Data from OpenStreetMap is licensed under the OpenStreetMap License. Excerpts on this page are created and updated by BBBike.org. All times are given as UTC. The files will be updated once a week on Thursday evening.